Monday 30, January 2023
The Walk for Life Foundation considers research to improve treatments and cures for breast cancer to be essential
Fero Foundation is a benchmark entity in cancer studies, to shorten the approval time of new drugs and thus, patients benefit more quickly from scientific advances against cancer.
Brigitte Gypen delivered a contribution of €5,000 to Ruben Ventura, Scientific Director of the FERO Foundation, which will go towards improving immunotherapy in breast cancer. Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that helps the patient’s own immune system fight cancer. The project seeks to find markers that make it possible to identify which hormone receptor-positive/HER2-negative breast cancer patients are good candidates to benefit from immunotherapy.
Walk for Life has contributed financially to the studies of the Fero Foundation, such as the development and implementation of liquid biopsy, as an effective diagnostic method with less impact and consequences for patients.