Monday 7, October 2019
“Goodbag” project sponsored by the Carrera por la Vida Foundation
A group of patients in their thirties from Dr. Isabel Rubio and the collaboration of the Carrera por la Vida Foundation have decided to make life easier and more enjoyable for other patients in the world. Therefore, they have designed the Goodbag sachets, which make the recovery of the mastectomy more bearable, and have made them available to anyone who wants to buy them on their website goodbag.es
Our foundation contributed to the innovative project and it was possible to launch in September 2019, each bag with a cost of only € 6.
In the words of the authors of this project “If you do not plan to use the Goodbag to carry drains or to give it to a friend who will need it, please do not buy it.”
The Foundation is subsidizing the bags and buying them is not making a contribution to the project. If you want to collaborate, you can make a donation (there are donation bags at € 10, or you can make a bank transfer to the project for the amount you want).
This is 100% charity project. All proceeds from the sale of bags or donations are destined to pay for the manufacture of more Goodbag bags. The time we dedicate to the project is done with a smile (happy to help other patients) and we don’t take anything for it.
In addition, we have contacted the following collaborators to make it possible:
The seamstresses of the Association APRAMP (Association for the Prevention, Reintegration and Care of Prostituted Women) who manufacture in our workshop on Ballesta Street all our bags.
The graphic designer Marga Maceiras who is incredible and with her Photoshop and her good vibes has done “everything that is needed”.
The photographer Alba García who shot 10 shots so you can see how beautiful the bags are. She is a star and her enthusiasm for the project has been contagious.
Dr. Isabel Rubio who has helped us with patient advice (and much more). Currently, Dr. Rubio is Director of the Breast Pathology Unit of the University of Navarra Clinic in Madrid.
There are 3 ways to collaborate with the Goodbag project:
1) Buy a bag Goodbag anonymously for € 10
You can do it from the store, choosing the product “Donation 1 Goodbag“. Thus, you will be subsidizing patient bags.
2) Make a donation to the Goodbag project
You can make a transfer to the following Bankinter account number:
ES43 0128 6042 0101 0000 2876
3) Send nice fabrics to make Goodbag bags
Email us at goodbag.es (at) gmail.com and we will give you the shipping address. The fabric must be a minimum of 1.40 meters wide and 2 meters long.
If you have any other idea of collaboration, we are all ears. You can write a message to goodbag.es (at) gmail.com whenever you want.
Thanks in advance for your generosity!