Friday 14, March 2025
Join the Charity Race and Support PINK SCHOLARSHIPS
You’re still in time to adopt your pink duck!
There are only a few days left until Thursday, March 20th, when thousands of pink ducks will participate in the first charity duck race ever held in the Canary Islands.
You still have time to adopt one, two, or as many pink ducks as you can and support the Walk for Life Foundation to launch the first PINK SCHOLARSHIP program.
These scholarships will allow university students and professionals to specialize in oncology psychology, oncology nutrition, or oncology physiotherapy, improving their care for people with breast cancer.
You can adopt pink ducks with your family, friends, or through your company and get a tax deductable certificate.
All proceeds will go directly to the PINK SCHOLARSHIPS and to improving the quality of life for women and men with breast cancer.
Adopt your pink ducks here: